ENGR 1166 – Fundamentals of Engineering (Biomedical Engineering)
Three credits. Not open for credit to Junior or Senior students in the School of Engineering. Introductory topics in a specific engineering major.
BME 2101 – Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (in previous years)
(Formerly offered as BME 3101.) Three credits. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 1132Q and PHYS 1230 or 1501Q or 1530Q; open only to non-Biomedical Engineering majors with instructor consent. Recommended preparation: BIOL 1107.
Fundamental concepts and techniques of engineering and medical science and their integration. The art and science of medicine, and the process of medical diagnosis and treatment. Topics include: diagnostic instrumentation, diagnostic measurements and their interplay; bioelectric phenomena, biomechanics, and biomaterials; biochemical engineering; computers in medicine; molecular medicine and biotechnology; medical imaging.
BME3600-Biomechanics (Lab component)
Four credits. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BME 2101; BME 3150 or CE 2110; open only to Biomedical Engineering majors; others by instructor consent.
Application of solid mechanics theory to describe and analyze mechanical behaviors of biological tissues. Basic concepts in mechanics of materials, including the essential mathematics, kinematics of deformation and motion, stress, constitutive relations. Biomechanics principles; identifying, formulating and solving problems related to bone, cartilage, tendon, cardiac and vascular tissues. Introduction of experimental methods and computational modeling of biological tissues. A separate laboratory component will introduce students to experimental methods in more detail. Laboratory reports with revisions are required
BME3600W-Biomechanics (Lab component)
Four credits. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BME 2101; BME 3150 or CE 2110; ENGL 1010 or 1011 or 2011; open only to Biomedical Engineering majors, others by instructor consent.
BME 3700 – Biomaterials (Lab component)
Four credits. Prerequisites: MSE 2101 and MATH 2410; open only to Biomedical Engineering majors, others by instructor consent. Not open to students who have passed MSE 3700.
A lecture and laboratory course that introduces a series of implant materials including metals, ceramics, glass ceramics, polymers, and composites. These materials are compared with the natural materials, with consideration given to issues of mechanical properties, biocompatibility, degradation of materials by biological systems, and biological response to artificial materials. Particular attention is given to the materials for the total hip prosthesis, dental restoration, and implantable medical devices.
BME 4900 – Biomedical Engineering Senior Design I
Three credits. Prerequisite: BME 3500 ,3600W, 3700, or by instructor consent; open only to Biomedical Engineering majors. This course is taken by seniors in the semester before BME 4910.
Discussion of the design process; project statement, specifications project planning, scheduling and division of responsibility, ethics in engineering design, safety, environmental considerations, economic constraints, liability, manufacturing, and marketing. Projects are carried out using a team-based approach. Selection and analysis of a design project to be undertaken in BME 4910 is carried out. Written progress reports, a proposal, an interim project report, a final report, and oral presentations are required.
BME 4910– Biomedical Engineering Senior Design II
Three credits. Prerequisite: BME 4900; open only to Biomedical Engineering majors.
Design of a device, circuit system, process, or algorithm. Team solution to an engineering design problem as formulated in BME 4900, from first concepts through evaluation and documentation. Written progress reports, a final report, and oral presentation are required.
BME 4910W– Biomedical Engineering Senior Design II
Three credits. Prerequisite: BME 4900; ENGL 1010 or 1011 or 2011; open only to Biomedical Engineering majors.
BME4999 – Independent Study (undergrad level)
Credits and hours by arrangement or as announced. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor; open only to Biomedical Engineering majors. With a change in content, this course may be repeated for credit.
Independent study project carried on by the student under the guidance of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a report on the study at the end of the semester.
BME 5999 – Independent Study (grad level)
Credits and hours by arrangement or as announced. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor; open only to Biomedical Engineering majors. With a change in content, this course may be repeated for credit.
Independent study project carried on by the student under the guidance of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a report on the study at the end of the semester.